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Temi’s Story

Temi (9yrs) was referred to Welcare’s #CapeAbility programme by his schools SENCo. Temi had recently experienced difficulties maintaining friendships and became involved in altercations after comments were made about his family. He displayed low self-esteem, particularly around learning and lacked motivation and engagement when he felt he couldn’t complete the learning task.

Temi (9yrs) was referred to Welcare’s #CapeAbility programme by his schools SENCo. Temi had recently experienced difficulties maintaining friendships and became involved in altercations after comments were made about his family. He displayed low self-esteem, particularly around learning and lacked motivation and engagement when he felt he couldn’t complete the learning task. Temi rarely asked for help and became upset or sullen when he could not do the work. Temi had experienced bullying in his early school life. This negative experience caused him to have persistent feelings of inadequacy which were hindering him in developing a positive self-image and healthy self-esteem. Temi was extremely self-conscious in class, and this was stopping him from learning and developing friendships. Temi’s school were hoping that Welcare could help Temi to build self-confidence, self-esteem and motivation. As well as learn to ask for help when he needed it and get on better with other children.

The #CapeAbility programme is a school-based group work programme which aims to build the emotional health, well-being, and resilience of children. The programme is specifically designed to support children with post-covid anxieties alongside other Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). It aims to foster emotional resilience in children within their daily encounters and to empower students with the essential tools required to cultivate robust and wholesome relationships.

Temi engaged positively with every session, and the Family Support Worker was surprised at his willingness to attempt to answer questions and engage in discussions. During one of the sessions, the Family Support Worker took him aside and asked him why he found it hard to engage in school lessons but was able to engage in the #CapeAbility group. Temi admitted that he did not feel that he was clever and was scared to put his hand up in case he was laughed at or made fun of, but he felt, ‘It’s different in our group [#CapeAbility] because we laugh together and not at each other.’

Temi really benefitted from the confidence building sessions in the #CapeAbility programme and his Teaching Assistant reported that he now has the confidence to put his hand up in class to answer questions, and he understands that getting things wrong is a part of learning and not something to be ashamed of. She said that he is asking for help more frequently and he will pull the her aside and ask when he does not understand something. This has been a huge step forward for Temi, and he no longer sulks or disrupts his class, he says ‘I feel like I am much braver now!’

Temi’s confidence boost has meant he has now become Peer Mentor in the playground. This means that he is now a go-to person for any other children that are having difficulties with friends during break. Temi’s mother was particularly proud of Temi for applying for this role as he was doubting himself, but he went for it and got the role!

If you would like to make a difference to someone struggling in your local community please spare what you can. We couldn’t do the work we do without the valued help of our supporters.

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